Supporting Armed Forces

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals is proud to work closely with the Armed Forces through the Step into Health programme.

Step into Health recognises the skills which can be transferable between the Military and the NHS and is open to all service leavers, reservists, veterans, Cadet Force Adult Volunteers and the families of all of these.

As one of the largest NHS Trusts we are very proud to be a passionate supporter of Step into Health. Armed forces personnel have a wealth of skills and experience which is hugely valuable to the NHS and we want to create opportunities for each individual to make the most of their potential.

Step into Health recognises the inherent skills gained in the armed forces and supports their journey into the civilian workplace. The programme creates individual work placements of up to four weeks that allow participants to explore the various career opportunities available in the NHS. For example, graduates of the programme have secured roles in areas such as catering, administration, management, communications and maintenance as well as roles in one of the clinical services.

To find out more about the Step into Health programme please click here  Transition into an NHS career | Step Into Health (